Sunday, January 19, 2014

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Facts about healthy eating

What we really know about healthy eating and what? Are the facts about eating healthy foods are compare to the myths. I am a health writer. For over a decade, I have read countless books on diet and nutrition. I subscribe all journals about health and nutrition. I have interviewed experts in diet and I know my A My Zinc. However, I still find it hard to sort through the myths and facts about healthy eating.

Much of what passes for knowledge of the media is marketing hype. You will be amazed at the amount of super foods are nothing like that. Its super state is nothing more than a cleverly disguised marketing campaign for MLM (multilevel) marketing company or a supplement manufacturer.

First, we will explore what really is the truth behind healthy eating. So let us talk about how to eat healthy on a budget. Finally, let me give some advice to evaluate what you read and hear about food and nutrition for quested can make your own decision about what is healthy for you.

Do we really know about healthy eating when you cut through all the crap that is out there, it is simple here are the basic facts about healthy eating.

  • The human body has evolved to eat a variety of foods.
  • Need fats, proteins, carbohydrates, and water to survive.
  • Our bodies are very adaptable and can survive in many diets, but probably not thrive in them.
  • From the Harvard Nurses’ Health Study of large population studies of longevity and health, the best diet for people who seem to be of plant origin that is largely base on fruits, vegetables, and whole grains.
  • Refined sugar has known to cause health problems, especially obesity and tooth decay, but has also related to everything from hypertension to diabetes.

In addition, that is it. The rest of what passes for nutritional science is speculation or splitting hairs.

The RDA or recommended daily allowance

You may wonder about the recommended food, as shown in the RDA labels or bottles daily dose of vitamins. Most people think that is the maximum amount of any vitamin or substance that should receive. In fact, it is usually the minimum for good health. Would not that mean you should pop pills? Just know, for example, that a recommended daily dose of vitamin C is the amount needed to prevent diseases like scurvy, but not necessarily, what is best for human health. The jury is still out on that.

We all want to eat healthy meals, right. However, both are in the way! Not enough time, we tell ourselves, or are too expensive. Wrong. You can eat very cheap foods that are healthy. Moreover, we need of slaving over a hot stove for hours, either.
  • Buy food for sale, and according to what you have in the pantry. Stock up on staples that you know your family likes when they are on sale.
  • Shop with a list
  • Plan meals for the week, especially dinner
  • Limit dining out or fast food for treatment status. As in, once a year or only on birthdays
  • Dessert in moderation not good for you dessert used to be a luxury reserved for Sundays and public holidays in the old days. Since when do we need a cookie a day?
  • Choose frozen preserved.
  • Buy only enough fresh food for the week, such as fruits or vegetables - if it goes wrong, it is a waste.
  • Cheap cuts of meat, such as chicken thighs, can be coke in a crock-pot or slow cooker and taste like gourmet food.
  • Avoid packaged meals, frozen meals, boxed and fittings. Not only are they expensive, but they are full of additives, preservatives, sugar and salt.
For those feeling adventurous, growing a simple garden is a great way to grow fresh organic vegetables. You can start small with potted tomatoes and peppers on the deck or a small cup of lettuce.

People believe that much of what they hear in the news, a fact that companies take to promote various products. For example, the evening news can announce that Granada juice prevents heart attacks. ? Such title is ridiculous in itself. No food can prevent a heart attack.

Heart attacks can be caused by many factors, and food cannot influence all factors. Nor is it possible for a research study to take into account all aspects that influence heart disease, such as genetics, lifestyle habits, smoking, total dietary intake, etc?

If you just add the juice of Granada to the diet of an obese chain smoker, is that going to change your risk of heart attack? Probably not as much, as if he gave up cigarettes and lost weight.

However, going back to the headline: Granada juice prevents heart attacks If you are watching the evening news, chances are that's all I remember of the story In fact, juice manufactures are counting Granada Therein.

Since the TV reporter has a whopping 30 seconds to cover the story, she reads out the highlights: a recent study found that women who drank one cup of juice every day Granada had a lower risk of heart attack by 30%.?
In addition, that is it.

Now if you could get your hands on the study itself, you may notice some strange things about the study:
  • Only 25 women were enrolled
  • There is no mention of monitoring studies
  • Sponsor XYZ company was juice of Granada
These three facts alone would most people dismiss the study results. Why?
  • The sample size - the number of people enrolled - is probably so small that the results cannot be applied to the entire population if you think about the signs and predictions, for example, knowing that a political survey usually has a size sample. Least a thousand people, right? That is because interviewers know that it is necessary to mention that many people to be about 95% confident that the results can be apply to everyone! So do research well.
  • The most rigorous scientific studies utilize a double blind placebo-controlled. This means that even the research team does not know who received the test substance and who is not. This prevents your body language and other subtle cues to influence laterals addition, a group of people in the studio getting a placebo -. An inert substance that looks, tastes and smells of the test substance, but does not act in any way.
  • Always look at the money trail when deciding whether to hear a scientific study. Studies carried out by companies in their products can have a degree of bias. Although the study was conduct ethically, companies have been known to promote only a study and not to mention the bad results. Since they are funding the study, they can do this. However, it is up to you, the consumer, to pay attention to these facts when evaluating claims such as super foods, diet to prevent cancer, and all other elements to get headlines about nutrition.
Then, would begin to eat healthy foods? Start with planning healthy meals. Plan a meal around a healthy dish. • Choose a green, green vegetable like spinach. Add a whole grain such as rice and some fish or chicken. That is already a healthy meal.
At each meal, try to include a vegetable or fruit and a whole grain Snacks of fresh fruit. Always choose, refined products made for the best nutritional advantage of your investment.

If you have been eating the typical American diet fast food, lots of food on the run, and little thought to what you are putting into your body as fuel - despair is not a good idea to start small. Also, replace a quick meal a day with a healthy meal. Eat fruit between meals instead of candy. Ditch the diet soda or sugar filled soda and drink water instead.

If you focus on changing just one habit each week, at the end of a year, will have 52 new healthy habits - and is likely to lose some weight and feel better, too.


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