Saturday, January 18, 2014

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The benefits of yoga for the mind

Do you know the benefits of yoga for the mind? It knows that certain disciplines promote healthy States in several respects, however most of the time we only focus on the physical.

How yoga benefits our minds

According to studies carried out by the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, yoga after a time, produces greater benefits in relation to brain functions that the practice of aerobics.

The study is based on cognitive performance or what is equal to everything that is associated with the use of the mind as for example, memory, concentration, development and understanding of the language, learning, solving problems, the use of reason and decision-making.

Disciplines like yoga including breathing exercises help to quiet and calm the mind chatter, reducing anxiety and stress States.

It follows that the effects of yoga on cognitive performance are maintain over time after finished the class.

More benefits of yoga for the brain

The practice of yoga makes the nervous system and the brain to work coordinated and in total harmony; unless the person wants or makes efforts, yoga leads to the abandonment of harmful habits, harmful patterns by other positive changes.

In the beginning, the yoga was develop as a method for achieving greater benefit between the body and mind through meditation, breathing, and postures; in order to achieve a mind about thoughts control so that these allies become in our lives and not enemies making us fall on fears or negative thoughts.

With yoga, the mind can be train through the practice of asana so-called exercises, which obviously will result in a positive way in the flexibility, and physical well-being of the body.

Do you practice yoga? What benefits yoga has perceived in you? Share your experience with us!


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