Monday, January 20, 2014

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5 foods to look younger

Keep your skin smooth and radiant not only to achieve with the use of creams and facial treatments; also, the food is essential to keep it healthy and slow the effects of aging.

According to information published by CNN, two of the most important aspects of food to maintain a skin beautiful are to control the inflammation , which can accelerate aging throughout your body, and eating a diet rich in phytonutrients (based on plants) and antioxidants , which can help in the daily fight against other environmental factors that faces your skin.

Another important aspect is to limit sugar intake, because it damages the collagen that can lead to wrinkles. Your regular diet should include plenty of colorful fruits and vegetables, especially green leafy vegetables, fruits and orange vegetables and healthy fats.

Dr. Nicholas Perricone, dermatologist and certified nutritionist, anti-aging expert and bestselling author of Forever Young, widely recommended including these three things in your diet on a regular basis, if you want to improve your skin.

Here are five foods that should not miss in your diet:

Avocado: It has moisturizing properties to the skin for its high oil content. Stimulates the formation of collagen and slows the aging process by its content of vitamin E, and help with problems of skin as eczema, dermatitis, and grains.

Salmon: Polyunsaturated fatty acids Omega 3 will give this fish its properties antioxidants so beneficial to the skin and its protective, regenerative, and moisturizing paper.

Green tea: in addition to being good for your heart, contains a potent polyphenol EGCG (Epigallocatechin gallate), which helps to promote detoxification, protects the skin from UV rays and, according to some studies in the laboratory, could revive the dead skin cells. Take several cups a day for best results.

Berra: It is a natural diuretic and contains phytonutrients. Various NVESTIGATIONS indicate that also serves to protect the cancer. Add some to your favorite salad at least two days a week to achieve skin clear and radiant.

Berries: These fruits of deep colors are not only good for your brain and your heart, but also contain high levels of anthocyanins, which are potent phytonutrients that protect your skin from aging early cellular and molecular level (DNA).

Other important aspects you should look are use sunscreen, avoid smoking and to limit stress to keep your face and your whole body in perfect condition.

Watch your skin looks young and radiant!


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