Monday, November 3, 2014

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Value of sweet potatoes in your life

When the conquistadors came to our continent, they were looking for gold and silver. They never imagined they would find something much better: sweet potatoes - potato and corn, of course. Then, the consumption of this plant has expanded slowly. Moreover, today that is already known around the world. What is the true value of sweet potatoes? Here are all of your benefits.


Sweet potatoes are very rich in antioxidants. This makes them an excellent alternative to delay cellular aging. On the other hand, this plant stands out for its anti-inflammatory properties, so its use has particularly recommends preventing a number of diseases.


A medium sweet potato provides 28% of the recommended daily amount of manganese. This is an essential mineral that your bodies assimilate the carbohydrates and energy. In addition, manganese helps the absorption of all the essential nutrients in general and strengthens the skeletal system.


Sweet potatoes are one of the best sources of beta-carotene. In fact, it provides 200% of the recommended daily amount. This nutrient is that the organism then transforms into vitamin A, which preserves the ocular health and boosts the defenses in a natural way.


Quercetin is a flavonoid that offers very positive health benefits. Thus, it helps regulate the bad cholesterol and reduces inflammation. However, this is not all: also, acts as a natural antihistamine, i.e., contribute to alleviating allergies.


The consumption of sweet potatoes is a great ally when it comes to regulate blood sugar levels. This is due, among other factors, to which this plant is very rich in fiber. This one slows the release of glucose into the bloodstream and prevents large imbalances in sugar levels.

Potassium and vitamin B6

There is no better combination than potassium and vitamin B6 to protect heart health. In addition, on the one hand, the potassium regulates blood pressure and, on the other hand, vitamin B6 prevents the hardening of the arteries, which can lead to all kinds of cardiovascular disease.

Vitamin C

Vitamin C is not the monopoly of citrus fruits: sweet potatoes also have it and, in large quantities! Thus, a medium sweet potato contains 40% of the amount of vitamin C daily recommended. This stimulates the production of collagen, which is responsible for keeping the joints and the skin in perfect condition. 


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