Monday, February 3, 2014

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How to avoid postpartum depression

After giving birth, 80% of women suffer profound changes of mood and 10%, depression. This reality may be due in part to the major hormonal changes. Now, how it is possible to attenuate the mood swings and prevent postpartum depression? Living Health, you will be the best way to do it.

#1 be realistic

Becoming MOM is one of the most significant instances in the life of every woman. This fact means that, often, women dye perfection and idealism be moms. Now, down to Earth: not everything will be rosy. It is likely that you cannot relax and have much to do. Metalizing you has expectations that are more realistic.

#2 Relax

Many studies have shown that the infants engage in closer links with relaxed breasts. According to Diane Stanford, women who spend at least 15 minutes a day to a relaxing practice (such as meditation, breathing, or performing yoga) are able to bettered cope with the stress that maternity entails.

#3 Sleep well

Giving birth, has the strange ability to convert things that were once simple in terribly complicated an example: rest? Many investigations have already proven that a good night's sleep is essential to reduce the risk of depression. For this reason, it is sleep at least 7 hours. Take advantage when your baby has been asleep and, if still you cannot relax enough, seek help from friends or relatives.

#4 has exercise

A study of more than 1,000 mothers showed that those who exercised before and after birth, were better emotionally and were more sociable than did not. According to the psychologist Karen Rosenthal, going for a walk, get some fresh air and stay in touch with nature are excellent measures to prevent postpartum depression. However, be careful: do not you try in very strenuous exercise; bastaŕa that you are moving.

#5 conceived as a working maternity

When we started to work, we know that at the beginning they yield us stressful and exhausting days. Now, do not we minded us in the same way when we as moms. This is an error: you must consider motherhood as a 24-hour work. In this way, you are your new role with more responsibility and conceders it the importance that it deserves.

#6 No expect to be the perfect mother

Perfectionism is the direct road to depression. This way of being is that you set yourself impossible to meet expectations and leads, inevitably, to feel guilty. Why allow yourself to make mistakes. All mothers have done so; just that you care with any of them to see it. Remember: so your son is born well, you do not have to be perfect, no more mother that you are happy.

These are just some tips to prevent postpartum depression. Keep them in mind and get ready to enjoy one of the most wonderful moments in the life of women.


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