Saturday, January 18, 2014

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How to heal the wounds and sores in the throat

Canker throat are an extremely annoying ailment, since they hinder us simple habits such as eating and drinking. Moreover, even though they are the type of symptom that disappears only after few days, given the discomfort of sores always is good to resort to some remedies easy to get relief soon. Then we tell you how to cure sores and ulcers in the throat.

Tips to relieve sores and ulcers in the throat

Sores in the throat tend to be the result of a viral throat infection, from bacterial infections such as that produced by Streptococcus, or symptoms of bronchitis, sinusitis, or laryngitis. While these conditions are to be treated specifically, the symptoms of sores in the throat can be relieved with some home remedies:

Drink infusion of honeysuckle

Boil a liter of water and add flowers of Honeysuckle (not the leaves). Let stand for at least 10 minutes in a covered container and then strain. You can take up to 4 cups per day.

Drink a soothing tea of lemon and Apple Cider vinegar

For a tea that would alleviate the canker sore throat, you need to add to one cup of hot water, a teaspoon of Apple Cider vinegar, a pinch of cayenne pepper, 1/4 of lemon juice and a teaspoon of honey.

Do salt water Swish

Perform Swish with warm water and a teaspoon of salt several times a day, relieves pain and soothes the canker sores in the throat.

Stay hydrated

Consume liquid sufficient support to the throat stays well hydrated and symptoms of sores do not become more pronounced. The warm tea with honey can produce special relief, but in other cases, a cold drink or an ice cream of water will be the best choice.

Keep the ambient humidity

A room with dry air will only accentuate the pain in the throat. Try to keep the humidity using a vaporizer or humidifier environmental.

When to call the doctor

These natural remedies will generally alleviate annoying canker's throat. However, consider a query to the doctor if you have any of the following symptoms:

  • Blood in saliva and phlegm
  • Pus in the back of the throat
  • High fever
  • Pain in the sinuses
  • Coughing with mucus
We hope that these tips will be useful to deal with sores and ulcers in the throat. For other oral symptoms, do not consult how to treat mouth ulcers and sores in the mouth and find out why leave sores on the tongue.


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