Sunday, September 15, 2013

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What is tinnitus and how to cure it?

Perhaps you have heard of people who suffer from ringing in the ears, is a condition called Tinnitus. For the meet, we tell you what tinnitus is and how it heals.

Tinnitus is detected by audiometry , this is a hearing test . People with tinnitus, feel, or perceive a ringing in the ear, which is not well know for sure if it comes from the same ear or head. Anyway, it is a condition with serious features, but is quite annoying.

The statistics say that 36 million people suffer from tinnitus in the United States, so it could be considered a common condition.

Suffering from this disorder may be due to problems related to the auditory nerve in the inner ear , whose endings are not noticeable to the naked eye , with age can become chronic , causing a decrease in hearing.

Currently, one of the causes of tinnitus is due to noise pollution.

Treatment of tinnitus

The medical specialist or identify the cause of tinnitus. Then apply different methods to end the condition for example:

  • If the ear canal earwax present, proceed to extraction.
  • If there are problems with blood circulation, then you can opt for surgery.

There medications such as aspirin that in certain patients can cause tinnitus in this case is different medication.

There are devices that are placed in the ear to reduce noise, called white noise machines and are intended to simulate natural sounds such as the ocean or the rain, which are heard through the speakers on the pillow when sleeping.

Another way is to place devices like humidifiers, air conditioners, and fans to avoid hearing the noise inside the ear, which becomes less noticeable due to external noise.

The use of headphones is also often recommended to alleviate tinnitus; others with similar characteristics provide music.

As for drugs, there is no one cure this problem, however there are some as antidepressants are administered to achieve improvements.

If you think you suffer from tinnitus, please consult with your trusted physician. Together you can discuss a way to have a better quality of life.


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