Sunday, September 15, 2013

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Ideal weight for height

Having the ideal weight is not just a matter of vanity; the truth is that the weight is synonymous with health. In case you did not know, there is a way to know if your weight is for your height and today, in this article we have called my ideal weight for my height, will explain what that means. Look, what is the easiest way to determine if you have overweight or obese?

Determining the body mass index

One of the indicators that help to determine if you have the ideal weight is the Body Mass Index but how to know your BMI. The truth is very simple, just need two pieces of information about you and be able to develop a simple mathematical operation.

The BMI is calculated by dividing your weight in kilos by the square of your height but in meters. To understand better, we will put an example: You weight 55 kilos and measure about 1.65 mt. Multiply your height (1.65) by itself to make the square, ie 1.65 x 1.65 = 2.75.

How far, so good? Now take your weight value in our example is 55 kilos and develops the next operation. Divide your weight by the previous result, so: 55/2, 75 = 20.
The result of this simple operation is 20, which means that this is the value of your BMI.

Now we just verify if indeed this value corresponds to which should be your ideal weight and to this affect an indicator of the World Health Organization to see if you have an ideal weight for height.

If your BMI corresponds to:

19-24 -Congratulations ! You have an ideal weight.
25-39 -You are on time! You are overweight , you should take care of your eating habits.
Over 30:Beware ! Possibly you are obese and you have to go to a specialist to treat you properly .
Beware of the risk factors

Remember that there are thousands of factors that can be weight gain , food intake with calories and saturated fat , lack of physical activity or hormonal diseases such as hypothyroidism.

Start with 30 minutes of daily physical activity , do not stay too long at the computer and try to feed you healthier than the junk food you put in the shopping market.


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