Tuesday, December 17, 2013

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Foods that you should avoid during pregnancy

During pregnancy, it is important to eat properly, you should eat balanced, and so we bring you a list of foods that you should avoid during pregnancy. Pay attention to prevent any problems.

Foods you should not eat during pregnancy

Raw meat

Some Chinese and Japanese foods introduced into their menus raw seafood that you should avoid eating, also prevents the Red or white meats that are not thoroughly cooked, or term, this will be to prevent bacteria such as salmonella.


It is known that this type of meat tends to be contaminated with listeria, which can cause miscarriages for people who abuse these meats during pregnancy.

Fish containing mercury

Avoid eating fish such as shark, swordfish, the tilefish, mackerel, and salmon even during pregnancy. Fish with high mercury content can lead to delays in the development of the baby at birth and even severe brain damage.

Smoked seafood

These should be avoide since they may be contaminate with listeria, and might affect the fetus. Keep in mind that these foods are used to different skillets seafood preparations, so you must be care to order this kind of food and eat it in moderation.
Raw eggs

While the food is not cooked you can be exposed to salmonella, it is therefore important that you remember the negative consequences of eating raw egg as much as for health in general and especially in pregnancy.

Soft cheese and pasteurized milk

Soft cheeses are prone to acquire the listeria bacterium. Examples of these cheeses include Roquefort, Gorgonzola Cheese and Camembert, Brie, and Feta, all this because of pasteurized milk which may cause damage to the baby's placenta if I had this bacterium.


Caffeine is considered one of the factors that influence the miscarriages, if abused her during the first three months of pregnancy. Caffeine limits to 200 mg per day in the stage of pregnancy and less than this amount for the first few months.

It starts to eat better! It tries to go leaving bad habits slowly and above all avoid any foods that are raw because as you have learned, they can be very harmful to your health. Instruct you on your stage of pregnancy with these and more tips for a healthy pregnancy.


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